CPHCrypto.com is owned by the Danish Nasdaq OMX-listed company NPinvestor.com (ticker: NPINV).

CPHCrypto.com offers a fixed fee of 39 USD/month for unlimited trading and retail clients trade commission-free. Traders can also use the trading platform before signing up to a fixed fee, while only paying a 0.04 pct commission.

Lowest price on the market
For a long time, commissions have been very high when trading crypto. This has been a huge challenge for traders because high costs kill most active trading strategies.

“We have a background in the trading industry. In the old days, it was expensive to trade shares, FX, etc. but competition in those markets has now driven costs very low. We are seeing the same in trading crypto coins, where it is currently expensive to trade. Competition will eventually drive costs down, and we are proud to be on the frontline,” says Co-founder & Head of Products Martin Lykke from CPHCrypto.com in Copenhagen.

From a trader perspective, this is crucial. Not only are high costs killing traders’ profit, but it is also limiting their trading possibilities.

“Our set-up provides the trader with a lot of new trading strategies where you can profit from even small price movements,” says Lykke.

Deposits insured
All client crypto deposits are insured, so in the unlikely event of the company being hacked, clients deposits would not be affected.

“We are new in the crypto world so it is key for us that clients know they can trust us,” says Lykke.

NPinvestor.com is regulated by Danish FCA.

Price comparison
The price comparison between CPHCrypto.com and other exchanges and brokers below shows that CPHCrypto.com is, truly, the most inexpensive choice - even if traders decide to pay per trade instead of the even cheaper fixed fee of 39 USD/month for unlimited trading:

Trading Volume 1.000 USD:
CPHCrypto.com: Commission 0,4 USD + Spread 0,2 USD = 0,6 USD
Binance: Commission 1 USD + Spread 0 USD = 1 USD
Kraken: Commission 2,1 USD + Spread 0 USD = 2,1 USD
Coinbase Pro: Commission 5 USD + Spread 0 USD = 5 USD
Etoro: Commission 0 USD + Spread 3,75 USD = 3,75 USD

Trading Volume 10.000 USD:
CPHCrypto.com: Commission 4 USD + Spread 2 USD = 6 USD
Binance: Commission 10 USD + Spread 0 USD = 10 USD
Kraken: Commission 21 USD + Spread 0 USD = 21 USD
Coinbase Pro: Commission 35 USD + Spread 0 USD = 35 USD
Etoro: Commission 0 USD + Spread 37,5 USD = 37,5 USD

Trading Volume 200.000 USD:
CPHCrypto.com: Commission 39 USD (Max) + Spread 40 USD = 79 USD
Binance: Commission 190 USD + Spread 0 USD = 190 USD
Kraken: Commission 340 USD + Spread 0 = 340 USD
Coinbase Pro: Commission 300 USD + Spread 0 USD = 300 USD
Etoro: Commission 0 USD + Spread 750 USD = 750 USD

Trading Volume 500.000 USD:
CPHCrypto.com: Commission 39 USD (Max) + Spread 100 USD = 139 USD
Binance: Commission 450 USD + Spread 0 USD = 450 USD
Kraken: Commission 750 USD + Spread 0 USD = 830 USD
Coinbase Pro: Commission 750 USD + Spread 0 USD = 750 USD