Middle East Digital Lending Summit 2022
When: Dec. 6, 2022, 9 a.m.
The digitization of the banking industry and new technological developments have led to customers demanding a seamless experience and real-time payment services. Customers now prefer conducting all financial activities from the comfort of their homes and mobile devices including the previously strenuous task of borrowing. Digitalizing lending has led to a 34% increase in borrowing since 2020 as alternative and faster methods have become available. Furthermore, with the aid of AI and data analytics, lending houses can now provide better customer service and reduce costs whilst still providing a unified process.

Keeping this transformation in mind, the Middle East Digital Lending Summit 2022 will provide an opportunity for like-minded professionals to discuss and recognize the latest challenges and technologies changing the age-old task of money lending. With areas such as alternative lending, liquidity management, and credit decisioning discussed, key insights into the future of the industry shall be explored. A line of impeccable speakers including leaders in asset management, wealth and risk management and digital initiatives will share their knowledge, wisdom and insights on how the transformation of the lending industry in the region is going to be game-changing. With interactive keynote sessions and expert-led panels, we strive to create a knowledge platform for every attendee that advances them from their competitor in an intellectual capacity.
website: https://medigitallending.com/